Welcome to My Blog ^^

My name is Lee Yee Chee, born on 1989 September 22, from Bentong, Pahang. I am currently studying at University North of Malaysia, that is UUM in Sintok, Kedah. I staying at MALAYSIA AIRLINE SYSTEM (MAS) Student Residential Hall inside the UUM campus. The course program I taking now is Bachelor International Business Management(Hons) for 3 years with my Matric number is 197229. .

Saturday 22 October 2011

The Wedding day of my PC FAIR Boss

                      The day before the wedding ceremony of my boss is at 21st of October that is on friday. I take bus from UUM go to Butterworth to avoid the rushing of time on 22nd of October. The day before the wedding dinner, I at my boss house to eat and drink meanwhile help him to make some preparation before his wedding day. On that day, we make the preparation until 3am more in the morning, afterwards we sleep for only few hours and wake up at 7am to prepare go out.
                      In the chinese people tradition,on the day before can see the bride, the groom need to go to the bride's house to fetch her out from the house. Before we can get in the house, we have barrier from the bride's friend that is need to play some games and get trick by them before we can get in the house. We as the groom 'brother' needs to help the groom pass all the barrier in order to let the groom successfully see the bride.

The moment before we go up the bride's house
The Wedding Car

                          Above are the brothers of the groom on the way going up the bride's house.
Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4
                      The above photo 1,2,3 and 4 are the photos shows that we are being tricking by the                               bride's friend. We so sympathy because we being fool good enough from the girl's side...But its a enjoy and happy moment because all of us laugh and happy on that time without stop....^^
Groom and Bride
                After all the challenges from the girl's side, trick and fooled by them, finally the groom successfully meet with the bride. Photo above is the picture when we successfully pass all the barriers and meet with the bride. Afterwards, we back to the groom's house and they following the chinese tradition and settle all the things such as give tea to all the relative drink according to the status inside the family. During the night time, is the wedding dinner and inviting relative are all come to attend the wedding dinner.
Photo 1

Photo 2
                         Photo 1 and 2 are the photo when I am joining the wedding dinner of my boss.
Photo 3
Bride and groom during the wedding dinner
                          Meanwhile the photo 3 is the situation during happy and enjoyable atmosphere on the wedding dinner.. On that day, the bride and groom photo also will have a attire that suitable to their wedding dinner....Wish them Happy and Blissful forever and ever after ...^^

Friday 14 October 2011

The 2nd day trip at Hatyai

                  We all wake up in the early morning and prepare and keep everyting before we continue to walk around. We walk around the morning market until 11am more, the time of Thailand. Then we go back to hotel for proceed the check out so I can get back my passport. Afterwards, we change RM with Baht again in order has money for eat breakfast after spend money at the morning market.
I am at seven 11 buying stuff of food.
                  After change the money Thai Baht, I with them shopping at 7 11 around the Lee's Garden before eat my lunch at McDonald. i buy a lot of food before go back to UUM as my food supply.
After buy stuff at 7 eleven shop
                    This is the situation after finish buy the stuff from the 7 eleven.... Near the sofa, have a lots of the stuff that belong to the girls after shopping for 2 days at Hatyai... A lots,right ? I have my lunch Big Mac at McDonald here before proceed to the next place, that is Floating Market.
At Floating Market

               After we finish up our lunch, we waiting for the uncle to ferry us to the floating market. When I reach there, there a lots of stalls that have sell a lots of things. The floating market is the people who sit on the boat and selling the food. We as a customer, we just tell them what we want, then we pay Thai Baht to them when they give us the basket with the food we purchase.

                       This is the moment after we finish eat our food at floating market. Also the last moment we at Hatyai before we going back to UUM...A last happy moment we stay at Hatyai together.... ^^

Thursday 13 October 2011

The First Day Trip to Hatyai

            Today is the first day we go to Hatyai. I have wake up at 6.45am to make a preparation like keep my cloth and other necessary things before go to Hatyai for 2 days 1 night. We waiting bus inside the campus to go out Changlun in order to sit for van to go Hatyai. We plan to wait for the 7.15am bus to out early for take the van, but unfortunately, the bus reach at 8.05am and make all of us late to reach Changlun. Once we have reach Changlun, the driver is an old uncle that ferry us go to Danok to cop the passport before continue our journey to Hatyai. We reach Hatyai around 9am more, the Thailand time while the Malaysia time is 10am more.
On the way going to Hatyai
            When we reach to Hatyai, the uncle send us go to get our room before start our walking around the Hatyai. We booked for 2 rooms and we check in hotel, we need to put passport to get the room key. One of my friend and me have put our passport at the reception before get the key. When we on the way to go up get the room, there has one receptionist that is male. He is over friendly and nice that he put his hand in my left arm and keep asking for my name while going inside the lift. When inside the lift, he help me to massage my shoulder that make me feel irritating meanwhile my other friend laugh at me.
Sitting inside the 'TUT TUT' car
            After not longer, we get our room, we put all our stuff and luggage inside the two rooms and we start our walking to around the Lee Garden, the 1 famous place that has become the center of Hatyai. Before we really start to walk around, we need to change is the Thai Baht with Ringgit Malaysia. I change for RM200 for 2000 1997 Thai Baht because of the charge of money changer. After that, we sit the 'TUT TUT' car to go have our breakfast, that is DIM SUM at a chinese people shop.

Having breakfast (DIM SUM)

After our breakfast and we rent for another one 'TUT TUT' car that whole day ferry us to few place that worth for 1200 Thai Baht. We go to several place that have a lots of Statue of Gods.

   The real Eagle I take around the place that nearer to the statue of gods.            

Extra Epic Large Bell
Take picture under the statue of buddha god
Group photo at the statue of elephant

Group photo at the statue of gods
                            After we finish visit all the statue, we go to Songkla that near the coast.
The Group photo near the Songkla coast   
Steal mermaid
                           There was a legend that the mermaid was exist in the Songkla Beach.
Group photo with the steal mermaid
I am playing kite at Songkla beach
                  This the moment I playing kite at the beach of Songla because on that time the wind is so strong and it makes me buy a 25 thai baht of kite and play around the beach. But unfortunately, I play not long, the rain start and make us need to go away from the Songkla by the 'TUT TUT ' car.
Coconut Ice Cream
    After we get away from the Songkla Beach, on the way going back to Hatyai, in the half road, the driver stop us and introduce us to buy a ice cream with the real coconut as a bowl that contain a beans, 2 scope of ice cream, bread, content of coconut that is so delicious that make me think it also flow out of my mouth water....hahah...Afterwards, we all back to out hotel room and have a bath before we continue our next section that is NIGHT MARKET...
                   This is the supper we all have after back from the night market. I with 8 girls go to night market, they all bankrupt after buy a lots of things especially cloth, bag and other girl's things. The first time I see the power of shopaholic of the 8 girls and my thai baht also lend to them for shopping. Afterwards, they only left a bit of thai baht include me that only can eat the dessert above.... A very pity night after shopping at the night market....After that, we all back to room for have a sleep to recharge energy for tomorrow morning.